ADVANCE GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY LTD (AGT): Menembus Batas Periklanan Tradisional dan Membuka Era Baru PeriklananDetails
Iklan tradisional biasanya terlihat di TV, bus, papan pajangan luar ruangan, spanduk , dan selebaran. Dengan perkembangan zaman, iklan teks luring tidak lagi dapat menarik pelanggan. Sebaliknya, orang lebih bersedia untuk fokus pada ponsel dan komputer, sehingga iklan online bermunculan. Namun, karena persaingan yang semakin ketat untuk periklanan internet dan meningkatnya biaya periklanan, ribuan bisnis menghadapi kesulitan yang sama, termasuk tempat untuk beriklan, biaya yang tinggi dan efektivitas periklanan yang buruk. Peningkatan iklan luring menjadi sangat penting.
Yuchang custom large format inkjet printing machine inkjet printing oil barrel instead of screen printing caseDetails
Oil drums are generally made of iron or plastic in the shape of a cylinder. They were first invented by the Germans on the eve of World War II. They are mainly used to carry important military materials - gasoline. It can be said to be a typical product of war. Oil drums are widely used in industrial production. They are often used as containers for chemical raw materials. After the oil drum is loaded with products, the information of the products loaded, such as name, category, ex-factory date, and so on, needs to be printed on the oil drum.
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Say NO to Smoking With The Loved and VOOPOODetails
Valentine's Day is a day full of love. On the most romantic day of the year, the VOOPOO UK field force team took roses in to major stores in London, Manchester City, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Cardiff to share love with stores and consumers, and bring them a little warmth in this cold winter.
Identification application of oil drum / iron drum / chemical drum handheld inkjet printerDetails
Iron drums are commonly used to hold liquids and solids. They are generally cylindrical. They have the advantages of beautiful appearance, firmness, durability, not easy to break, and strong sealing. They are widely used in the packaging and transportation of lubricating oil, coating, chemical industry, petroleum, grain and oil, and other industries.
Tech for Corporate Social Responsibility: CSRtech invites innovative startups to collaborateDetails
Technology itself has no purpose, but its impact is driven by human choices and actions.
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MUST WATCH! Best Rejuvenating Set in the WorldDetails
Rejuvenating sets have become increasingly popular in the World throughout the years. The majority of them are sold online through social media-based shops that receive a variety of reviews from their customers. Regardless of the brand, all of them guarantee to address any skin issue and produce youthful, better-looking skin in a short period of time following use.
IslandSwap New Hero NFT coming soon in OKX NFTDetails
IslandSwap is a combination of DeFi+GameFi protocol on OEC.
IslandSwap New Hero NFT coming soon in OKX NFTDetails
IslandSwap is a combination of DeFi+GameFi protocol on OEC.